Week 3
I hope to:
- Follow intro to React tutorial - TicTacToe project.
- Create collapsable divs for the menu of the portfolio. This is so that menu items don’t get cluttered. I want to use this tutorial
- Create a TODO application using vanilla JS.
Week 4
I hope to:
- Follow Dr.Bart’s TypeScript tutorial on Canvas
- Create a live safari gps web app, that is crowdsourced. This will serve as a web interface for an iphone app a good friend of mine built for children on African Safari trips. I will create the webapp using React and TypeScript.
- Create a simple crowd-sourced contact tracing app. Something like: “I knew who?”, “I knew him/her too”, almost like a family tree but now specific to a specific covid case. Hope to visualize it with P5 for graphs (social network type of graphs), React (coz it’s cool), NodeJS for backend, Heroku for deployement.
Week 5
- Learn CSS flexbox using Mozilla’s MDN docs
- Create a dog breed guessing app using React and TypeScript. I had a game in mind that I will sketch up using Figma and code out, hopefully.
- Create a reearch paper reading application, ie. a
- Create a website to view the best of Cisc275 web projects. Well… they need to be showcased to the public somewhere. I hope to use React for the frontend and NodeJS for backend. The app should have an interface to view projects, and one to add projects.